Countrywide Inmate Search Tool

Last updated on 05, Jul 2024 - 2654947 Inmate records found
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Guide To Use Inmate Locator US Tool

2654947 unique inmate records found from 1000s of public data sources; you can count on us as we update the latest arrest records almost daily; the data was Last updated on 05, Jul 2024. The freshness of data makes us the best free inmate locator tool.

US Inmate Locator Our tool helps you to find inmates incarcerated for any crime between 1970 and 2023 [Under US federal court of law]. We crunch the data over thousands of data sources to provide you best search results. We gather data from paid and non-paid data sources to provide you with nearly perfect inmate results.

How to use the search to locate inmates?

Finding inmates has never been easier; follow the steps below:

  • Go to the search box above
  • Type an inmate's name
  • Hit the golden search button.
  • Let the magic happen to relax; we will find relevant search results and show you.

What's Your Search Limit?

The search quota for you is unlimited, use this tool and share it with your friends and family. Happy Searching!

Browsing Inmates

Although the old classic way of browsing through all inmates is on our website, browsing through 2.2 million inmate data can be painful. But if you still want to go through the list, find the below table. You can navigate through the entire list of inmates in the US just by navigating through the pages.

Still unable to locate your inmate!

We do refresh our data daily. If you still can't locate any inmates using our free tool, you should go through the list of government websites.

Technology Background

We have many scraping engines running behind the scenes; we scrape and integrate thousands of data sources and public databases and integrate 100s of APIs to provide you with 100% accurate inmate data. We are the best free provider of inmate data, and many websites charge you multiple dollars to search for this public information.

Data Disclaimer

We show and use public data available on other websites without copyright claims. We are just crunching the data and providing you with a platform to search through these public records in a much simpler way. For any DMCA claims, mail us at [email protected]

Data / Profile Removal

We take your communications very seriously; if you want to remove any data from the site, please feel free to reach us at [email protected] with proper authorization[You should provide ID cards / Documents] of you being related to the inmate.

Complete List Of Inmates Currently Incarcerated In The US

Showing 2654510 - 2654520 out of 2654947 inmates.
Inmate Name # Arrest Records Inmate Info
Geoffrey Mankel 1 View Inmate Profile
Timothy Swanagan 2 View Inmate Profile
David Makasini 2 View Inmate Profile
Darrell Humphries 2 View Inmate Profile
Maranda Webb 2 View Inmate Profile
Andrew Rosas 2 View Inmate Profile
Dmitri Collins Jr 1 View Inmate Profile
Blain Payne 1 View Inmate Profile
Mohammad Baqeri 1 View Inmate Profile
Eulises Moreno Molina 1 View Inmate Profile
Edgar Gonzalez Garcia 2 View Inmate Profile
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